Joanna | Milwaukee Newborn Photography

I have the best clients in the world! I know most photographers probably say the same thing but they are wrong, because I have them all! Not just in Milwaukee, in the WORLD! Sometimes I instantly have a connection with a client and feel like I have known them my whole life, and Corely, Joanna’s mom was one of those people. I think she told me about 1,000 times that they hadn’t got any of those “newborn sleeping shots” of her older two so she didn’t except it to happen with her third baby. I giggled and told her I would get her those shots, I don’t think she took me seriously, but I like a challenge.

Now let me tell you that the group family shots were not easy, I mean when you have three little ones it’s never easy but I was still thrilled with what we got (even if a dinosaur slipped in, which I honestly love since that is real life).



After we had those out of the way we let the boys leave and I began my newborn magic. When I got Joanna to sleep and posed in the first position I did a happy dance. I knew that I was going to get Corely those sleeping newborn shots…not that I never thought I wouldn’t. lol


Not only was I thrilled with the session, Joanna was beyond precious and perfect but Corely and I laughed and laughed. She was one of those people that totally got me, we found that our son’s both share a really weird obsession with Cousins subs and it has united us for life. So yes, when I say I have the best clients it’s the truth, all those other people are a bunch of liars.