Who’s this chick?

Hello! If you are here that means that you actually want to know a little bit more about me and let me tell you that means a lot to me. After being in business for 6 years I had an “ah ha moment” (is that how you spell it?) Well you know it’s the thing Oprah talks about all the time…I had one of those. What I realized in this Oprah moment is that although this is my business website and I’m sure you are here to look at photos you may want to get to know a little bit more about me than what is on my “About me” page. So, I decided to start blogging on a personal level. I plan to share things about me, my family, things I love besides photography so that when you happen to land on my page you will feel like we are friends.

To end this first personal blog post of mine I am going to leave you all with a little gem. My whole family lovingly refers to this photo as “that time I was in the blind melon video” If you don’t know what I’m talking about please head here

And no those glasses weren’t hip and trendy like they are now. Milwaukee newborn photographer