Newborn Photographer Promo Video | Milwaukee, WI

I am so so soooooo excited about my newborn photographer promo video! I had been wanting one for awhile to show potential clients a little peak into a session with me. I love newborn photography so much and I know clients can see that during their session with me but I wanted to be able to show others who haven’t had a session with me that same love. I actually made this video myself and am pretty proud of how well it turned out! To book a newborn session with me please contact me.

Katie Fromstein Photography Promo Video from Katie on Vimeo.

16 thoughts on “Newborn Photographer Promo Video | Milwaukee, WI

  1. GREAT job!!!!! I love you work, so beautiful. I am a big fan of the simple style. Shows off the baby perfectly.

  2. love this video! it’s always so cool to see the behind the scenes! you are such a fantastic Milwaukee Newborn Photographer- these families are SO lucky to have you in their area! 🙂

  3. What a sweet newborn promo video for your studio! This days really do go by so fast and its so what getting newborn pictures taken o hire a professional. Absolutely lovely!

  4. I love seeing newborn photographers working their magic with sweet little babies. Great video! 🙂

  5. Oh wow, I’m loving this oh-so-much. The simplicity of your portraits are stunning and make the newborns look positively perfect. Milwaukee Newborns are lucky to have you! 🙂

  6. Great promo video! You show hints of just what goes into a safe and beautiful newborn portrait session…proof that hiring a professional photographer with experience is the way to go!

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