My Kiddos | Milwaukee Area Child Photographer

I take pictures of my kids all the time, BUT I rarely get them dressed in matching clothes, do their hair and take them somewhere special to take their pictures. Because, believe it or not I find it way easier to take pictures of other people’s kids because 1) kids seem to listen to other people better sometimes and 2) I have way more patience for other people’s kids than I do my own sometimes (just being honest)

But, on this day everything worked out in my favor. We were actually going with the main purpose to get a good picture of my two kids and my niece for my parents for Christmas. So, I gave my kids a big pep talk about how they were the older examples and that I really needed their help and that it would be so easy and fast if they could help me.

All these pictures actually happened when I asked them to sit for me to do some test shots to check my settings, and these pictures are what I captured.  So here you go, this might possibly be the only good photo shoot of my two kids that I ever get but even if that’s the case I will cherish them forever.

Fall sibling outdoor

sibling candid

brother and sister kissing

brother and sister

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